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Sunday, March 8, 2009

List of Activities for the 1st Semester of 2009

30, 31 January 2009
St. Nicholas Annual Service

We went there by bus for the 1st day together with the Junior Jaycees of our school.
Here's some random pictures taken throughout the services:

7 February 2009

1st Duty Members Interview of the year.The 1st Interview of the year. We have interviewer from the Form 4 and Form 3 senior members of our club and basically all of those present have past their interview. Congratulation!

28 February 2009
Duty Members' Teory Lesson

Co-op Tan Lee Xiang hold the teory lesson to teach our new duty members about our club, Do(s) and Don't(s) for duty members and some special technich to serve the customers.

-Short update for this time.